The Crystals on the Minecart tracks are notoriously difficult to grab, and some sections seem to require multiple trips. limbus suspects they placed the Crystals way before the Minecart jumping mechanic was developed, and they never got around to fully finishing the jumping mechanic. Apparently in an April 1999 build of the game the Minecart jumping mechanic was entirely unfinished, yet the Crystals had already been placed. (discussion starts here)

No practical use, but you can front flip up this wall (find video evidence)

When do the cycles for these elevator things start again? on level entry or within a certain range? implications for making this cycle?

(thermo note: I vaguely recall front flipping up this wall at some point…)

Here at the end of the right side, you can do a purple Gummi Buffer into the Golden Gobbo warp (any categories where this saves time?)

wait… on the right side for Max% is it faster to DA back to the entrance or take the Minecart?

The green Gem on PS1 is harder to collect than on PC; it is behind a tight turn like the purple Gem (video)