< need to find the post on discord where we first found the Keith CSBs >

It is possible to CSB into the boss room (video). The timing seems to be approximately when you pass the threshold into the room

Doing the cannons from right to left is probably advantageous

  • due to the tunnel structure, you enter the boss room slightly on the right side
  • there isn’t a post in your way when going to the middle cannon

You can’t stomp the cannons, you must tail attack them

You can CSB after each cannon hit (video). You have to tail attack early to get it

You can make it to the right / left cannons with a front flip (discovered 2021-01-08 by Thermospore). There is a simple setup: just line up between the 2nd and 3rd boards. Landing directly on the boardwalk is slightly tight, but you have more leeway if you land on the big post in front of the cannon. Apparently, “even with a brief stop to line up, a front flip is ~.35 faster!” (thermo wrote this in the Any% route spreadsheet). The catch is, this prevents you from doing the CSB on the cannon, because you can’t tail attack until you land.

Probably the optimal strat (demonstration) is:

  1. don’t front flip on the first cannon, so you can CSB
  2. CSB on the middle cannon (there is no front flip strat for the middle cannon)
  3. front flip to the 3rd cannon, because you don’t have to CSB after