they don’t just prevent you from taking damage on hazards: you can also use them to not break platforms/crates

If you try to hazard jump on Water, you can hear a jump sound effect, but you don’t jump

hdc0 has a lua script for hazard jump training; should add that here


TheCrypticJacknife posted this YouTube video on 2011-01-25 showcasing the glitch. In the description they state:

I’m not entirely sure who originally documented this trick, I believe it was a Croc 1 runner/TASer. If you are out there, originator, let me know and prove it’s your trick and I’ll HAPPILY give you full credit.


It’s possible the name “Hazard Jump” originates from this video, but the glitch itself has likely been known about since ancient times. A commenter on TheCrypticJacknife’s video states:

I found out this as a child and thought Croc just had an extremely thick skin!

@Light.1992 (link)

The “Croc 1 runner/TASer” TheCrypticJacknife mentions in the video description could potentially be RingRush, who appeared in the comments of the video to give the following correction:

Correction: it does not work in Croc 1 on hazards, only on the water pools that take you to new sections (like near the end of 3-3). If it worked on hazards that would be amazing. :(

RingRush (link)