You can clip in without spending any Golden Gobbos (see: Jiggy Clip)

There is a Crystal on the Minecart tracks right near the start which can be tricky to grab without dying. There are a couple strategies:

  • Hold keyboard left THEN right at the same time like so
    • see: Holding left + right simultaneously
    • (note: in the clip, thermo’s dpad is mapped to kb arrow keys. and right arrow is held on the physical kb, so the right press isn’t visible on the controller input display)
  • Let off left temporarily like so

The first junction is a trick; it appears to take you right by default, but it actually defaults straight. (I believe that is the only trick junction?)

If you are terrible at games, like Thermospore, and have trouble with the jump timing for those Crystals right after the trick junction, try this setup

There is a tricky string of Crystals at the end, but it’s actually deceptively simple. Just stay flat before / after this section:

  1. hold left - over the broken track
  2. go flat - for this crystal just after the broken track
  3. hold left - for the crystal after that