get a link to where this was initially found on discord (through Door in last room of Sandwich)

it works through

  • Doors (that article needs to be re-worked btw)
  • Golden Gobbo warps
  • Climbing Walls (maybe ladders too?)
    • unfortunately there don’t seem to be any Gummi Jumps close enough :SnowSad:
    • it’s possible the developers were aware of this and intentionally didn’t put any Gummis close enough
  • maybe more

It does not seem to work through

  • Ledge Grab
  • Minecarts (… double check though)
  • Hippo Jump
  • Clockwork Gobbo - barely!!
    • if you enter a Clockwork Gobbo level and manually set a purple Gummi with Cheat Engine, you do a Gummi Buffer on exit!
    • by doing a Hazard Jump when landing on the Clockwork Marker, you can enter with the Gummi values maintained!
    • you would think all the pieces are in place for the Gummi Buffer to work, however the buffer fails when exiting the Clockwork Gobbo for some reason :SnowSad: … possibly due to the way the game re-situates croc back on the ground due to entering with a Hazard Jump?
  • Balloons

actually, this might be part of a larger type of buffer, where certain actions (such as stomp jumps) are buffered through Doors etc