(see also: Gummi Buffer)

Depending on which release of the game you have, these have a variety of shapes, sizes, colors, and names (see here on TCRF)

Most runners tend to run on a US PC version, so these usually are referred to as blue, green, and purple gummi jumps

Green and purple actually bounce you up the exact same height. The difference is that purple gives you a big horizontal speed boost

Using purple gummies in general likely saves time due to the horizontal speed boost, even in Any%. There may even be time differences between US and EU, due to the size/shape difference. (see discussion here)

When you do a gummi jump, the following memory addresses are written as so:


(addresses are probably different for the EU version…)

To manually trigger a gummi jump where/whenever you wish, simply set the 3 addresses above accordingly using Cheat Engine (I imagine you could write a script to set the addresses, and assign it to a hotkey!)

Address A

Usually, this address is 0. But when you do a gummi jump, it gets written with a value corresponding to the strength (as in vertical height) of the gummi jump. When you hit the ground, the value returns to 0

Simply using Cheat Engine to write a value to this address will cause croc to do a gummi jump (assuming you have the other addresses set appropriately)

As an aside, this address is used for other jumps too! For example, the hippo jumps in Sailor and the jelly jumps / cave exits in Iceblock)

Address B

As mentioned above, Address A isn’t just used for gummi jumps. Address B seems to determine what type of jump you do when Address A is set. For gummi jumps, it should be set to 0xFFFFF000.

When you die / enter a level, the value seems to reset to 0. Once the value is set, it will stay there until overwritten (ex by using a hippo jump, exiting a cave in Iceblock, dying, changing maps, etc)

Address C

This address is typically 0, but when you use a purple jump it is set to 0x1000 until you hit the ground.

When set, you get a massive horizontal speed boost!

Unfortunately, you can not Hazard Jump on the ground to maintain the super speed, but that would be sick (perhaps TAS would beeline for a purple gummi and hazard jump the entire game lol)

Try freezing the value using Cheat Engine; croc walks around with super speed and it is quite fun ^^ (see: Perma Purple Gummi)

Blurb from the US PC manual:

Need to implement this info from hdc0 into this note:

Croc2.exe+222C34 (aka 0x622C34) is WorldGlobals[14]



hdc0 (source)

It seems [the gummi jump system] is implemented in the map script rather than in the engine. So you would have to decompile the map script to understand how the jump system works.

0x622C34 (the memory that you modified in CE) is a global script variable. They start at address 0x622BFC and each entry is 4 bytes. So 0x622C34 is Global[14]. That’s very interesting. It would be nice if we could create a table that maps global variable indices to their meaning for each map.

hdc0 (source)