It is possible to clip into the door early, as discovered by Paulmall 2019-11-26

  • it is also possible (with the same technique or no?) for Secret Soveena (discord)
  • did anyone find better / more consistent technique? what about PS1?
  • (incorporate this info)

Bonkers IL strat, but you can do a big chain of Hazard Jumps to collect the Crystals under the Monkey Bars more quickly

It’s possible to CSB when entering the boss area, but you can’t seem to skip a cycle with it :SnowSad:

Normally you can’t throw the bomb box while you are jumping in the air. And if you land in the Water with it you drop it and it blows up. It would be sick if you could like throw it on a Hazard Jump frame when landing in the water, but it doesn’t seem possible.

The address for Soveena’s lives is in your save slot for some reason. For the first save slot (save slot 0) the address is Croc2.exe+20432C. It is possible to give her more than 3 lives lol

It would be nice if we could find a consistent way to get the final bomb throw super tight. Currently we pretty much play a game of chicken and pray we don’t throw it too early