In the final room, you can do a Gummi Buffer into the Golden Gobbo section, allowing you to skip up onto the platforms. (check which type of Gummi is the fastest). Discovered by Paulmall here on 2021-07-12

Blind gems

< general tech / explanation here >






temp mess

Thermospore’s notes for blind Gems for 100%:

1: RIGHT - 6

2: DOWN - 5.5

3: UP/LEFT → UP on 5

4: DOWN - jump @4.5 let go @6

5: LEFT - 6

The direction is held on kb/dpad for that number of gobbo bounces. Seems to match what I do in this 100% sailor IW from 2019-02-25

wait, I seem to be doing something more advanced in this Max% IL from 2020-02-15 (jfc I was not in a good mood lol)

and in this 100% run from 2020-08-13 there are some differences too. I might have been doing safe strats; it’s possible I knew about faster strats

  • do some actual crow runs to get my head back in the game
  • search discord for info/history
  • could be some additional runs worth checking for strats